Dear fellow allotment holders,
Thankyou for so enthusiastically supporting the new debris arrangements. There has been confusion on contents so we are ordering new signs explaining what can go in each pile. Please hold onto any further debris until those signs are in place. We will collect on one side all wood waste including old pallets, structures, tree clippings and root stumps but no glass or soil or compostable materials. On the other side we will collect plastic, metal, carpet, rubber but again no glass or soil or compostable materials. To avoid confusion, please wait until that signage is in place before dumping more debris. Please take glass home with you and compost green matter on your plot.
In particular, please do not drop any more debris at the former bonfire area, near the border with the river .. we are trying to create a wildflower area there. Thanks.
There are some exciting dates for your diary.
On June 16 we will open for Didsbury Open Gardens. Visitors will be offered tours of the site and if you have spare seedlings or you’d like to bake an edible treat , please offer them up. We’ll put a table near the shop.
The summer barbecue will take place on Sunday June 23 at 1pm – bring your chairs along to the BBQ area where volunteers will be grilling burgers and sausages … we will appreciate donations of salad, desserts and cash to help cover costs … it’s a lovely chance to chat and socialise with your neighbours .
Produce days will be held on July 28 and September 1 when your excess fruit and veg will be distributed to local charities. Please leave produce in boxes on plot 41F. Thanks to Linda Fildes, Godfrey Wilson and Christine Clarke for organising this. If anyone would like to help please contact Linda on
Good progress is being made on the community plot beside the polytunnel which will improve gardening opportunities for all members of Bradley Fold/ Didsbury Garden Society, particularly those who are giving up their own plots but want to carry on gardening. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered and bid successfully for grants to make this happen. If you shop at Tesco, please use your blue tokens to vote for our Bradley Fold project .. we could win up to £1500. Thankyou.
In line with discussions at the AGM, planning is now underway to consider and assess improvements to a number of challenges we face on site. We’ll update you on this later in the year once the issues have been assessed.
And as always, many thanks to the volunteers who have helped not just on the community plot but on areas all across Bradley Fold which need attention. There are working parties on the first Sunday every month at 11.30 outside the shop. And there are some opportunities on Saturdays too. The shop also requires volunteers ..pop in on Sundays at 11 to find out what you can do to help. We want everyone to volunteer at least a couple of times a year and there are opportunities for all your skills.
Looking ahead there are more opportunities for celebration later in the year as we reach our 70th anniversary in September . More details on that to come. And our Christmas event will be held in St Cath’s community hall on Sunday December 15.
Best regards from Janine Cottingham ( chair) on behalf of the committee of Bradley Fold Allotment Society.