Didsbury In Bloom Results

Didsbury Needs a Trophy Cabinet!


Didsbury has had outstanding success in the Britain in a Bloom 2015 awards. Bradley Fold was part of the bid for the national and regional events. Judges particularly commended the community spirit evident in Didsbury.

For your interest the full results are listed below.


Didsbury in Bloom awarded Silver Gilt.


Didsbury awarded Gold and a cup for 'Best in the Urban Community' category.

It's Your Neighbourhood awards:
Level 5, Outstanding, Gold:

• Parsonage Gardens
• St James'
• Sussex Avenue
• Rushton St
• Parrs Wood Environmental Centre
• Ford Lane
• Didsbury village
• Parrs Wood Avenue
• Warburton Street

Level 4, Thriving,Silver Gilt

• Bradley Fold
• Fletcher Moss
• Didsbury Park
• Barlow Moor Community Garden
• Didsbury Baptist Church

Level 2, Improving, Bronze

• Moorland Road

Parsonage Gardens awarded a silver cup for Best Large Neighbourhood (don't ask!)

Two Reminders

Reminder 1: The council will be turning off the water supply when the frosts start. Check your water butts.

Reminder 2: We love your photos but if sending please use a small / reduced file size!

Community Cabin

Discussions are ongoing and applications for grants are being considered. The Society has a budget but an additional grant would enhance the plans considerably.

The composting toilet is still under consideration.

If anyone has any expertise in grant applications please contact Gordon!


The Sunday barbecue went off well. Thanks to all those who supported the event. The array of salads and sweets was impressive.

Particular thanks to Chris and  Louise Smail who helped in so many ways,  to John Dennison and Alan Stores who supervised the barbecue and Natalie who organised the whole event.

We were glad the weather was kind.

Invasive Weeds

We have a problem at the site with two invasive plants: Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam.
The Japanese Knotweed is concentrated on the bank in the northeast corner of the site. It is very difficult to remove and should be treated by experts. The Council will spray in July. If you find Japanese Knotweed on your plot, will you please let Gordon Lorimer know.

The Himalayan Balsam was probably brought into the site by floodwater. It spreads when the ripe seed pods explode. It is shallow ­rooted and can be easily removed by pulling ­up individual plants. If you find Himalayan Balsam on your plot, please pull it up before the seed pods ripen.