Invasive Weeds

We have a problem at the site with two invasive plants: Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam.
The Japanese Knotweed is concentrated on the bank in the northeast corner of the site. It is very difficult to remove and should be treated by experts. The Council will spray in July. If you find Japanese Knotweed on your plot, will you please let Gordon Lorimer know.

The Himalayan Balsam was probably brought into the site by floodwater. It spreads when the ripe seed pods explode. It is shallow ­rooted and can be easily removed by pulling ­up individual plants. If you find Himalayan Balsam on your plot, please pull it up before the seed pods ripen.

Chairman’s Newsletter

Dear Fellow Plot Holders,

1.       The AGM was held on the 12th April in Emmanuel Parish Hall.  Before the AGM Chris Walsh of the Kindling Trust Manchester gave a talk  “An Abundance of Food for Everyone”. The talk and venue were deemed to be a success by the members who attended and the hall has been booked for next year on the 3rd April.  I would welcome suggestions for a pre-AGM topic/speaker  for next year.

The minutes of the AGM are posted on the new website.

2.       Website: We have a new website with the  address

3.    Pavilion and Toilet: Members of the allotment committee have been joined by Paul Maccabee and Anne Wilson in discussions with representatives of Manchester Corporation concerning the replacement of the pavilion and the installation of a composting toilet.  At our last meeting with the representatives of the Council, on the 22nd April, the Council representatives were very positive and helpful. The project is progressing, but it is going to take longer than I had hoped.

Nick Walker and Anne Windsor presented drawings of the proposed new pavilion at the AGM.  These are available for everyone to view on the new website.

I am hoping that the representatives of the Council will give us permission to install a new toilet before they process the application for the proposed replacement of the pavilion.

3.       Shop: The shop will be closed on Sunday the 3rd of May.  Unfortunately all of those committee members who have experience in opening and running the shop are going to be away from Manchester over the weekend.

We are still short of volunteers to help in the shop from 11:00 to 12:00 on Sundays. Please drop in and sign-up to help.

4.       Japanese Knotweed:  It was mentioned at the AGM that the Japanese Knotweed has returned.  I have informed the Environmental Agency; they have visited the site and will spray the Knotweed  again later in the summer. Please do not remove the wood chippings near the knotweed (on the bank, across the road from the allotment in the northeast corner of the site) as this might spread the infestation.

Gordon Lorimer